Tuesday 10 November 2015


General background:
'NME' is a British music magazine that is typically associated with rock, alternative and indie music. Seeing as I am basing my music magazine on an indie pop genre, 'NME' was the perfect magazine to look into as I can get an insight on what their magazine consists of. 

'NME' are usually into the likes of Lana Del Ray, FUN, Lily Allen, The xx and many more. These artists mainly focus on the indie pop side of music which is why 'NME' may include news on them and their music career. Their magazines consist of music news, reviews, interviews with artists and they also sponsor a tour of the United Kingdom by up-and-coming bands each year. In the 1960's bands like The Beatles and Rolling Stones were frequently featured on the front cover. As well as these two popular bands, there were also other artists that appeared at the NME Poll Winners' Concert, which is an award event that featured artists voted as most popular by the audience. 

As I am currently looking into different types of mastheads on magazines, 'NME's title and logo stood out to me more compared to the others. The use of the big and bold font is very eye catching, as well the boldness of it the colour red is very bright and intense which can easily grab the audiences attention from when they are in a store browsing for magazines. This will give me some ideas on how my masthead for my music magazine should look like as I will be aware of how big or bold the font should be and what I should base my colour scheme on. 

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