Monday 28 March 2016



As I am now midway in creating my double page spread, I drew closer to deciding on how my pull quote should look like. I researched a few magazine double page spreads pull quotes just to get a few ideas on how my one would potentially look like.  

The style of pull quotes is that it must be big and bold, and as most magazines use this style it is clear that it is a very popular and common trend amongst magazine designers. 
It is also one of the most important aspect of a double page spread as it must stand out to by passers and its specific target audience. Pull quotes vary from being chaotic and surprising or sweet and simple, giving the readers a sense of urge and an insight on what to read within the article. 

Pull quotes also vary from different range of colours and it's colour scheme, mostly depending on the style of music and the general magazines style. For example, a pop music magazine has a colour scheme of the colour red, pink, blue, yellow etc. Therefore, using their colour scheme when designing a pull quote. Whereas, we have NME magazine in which they maintain their consistent colour scheme which is mostly black, red and white. Resulting to their pull quotes being in dark tense  colour. 

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