Wednesday 27 January 2016


To create my CONTENTS page title I have used the type tool to add a line through the text as I feel as though it adds an indie gist to it, as it is something unusual and different, just like the music genre of Indie Pop itself.

 I also used the grid method so that it can assist me on how to align the text so that it is straight and also helped with keeping it one box down from the edge of the page, which is one of the conventions of a contents page as the title of it should not be right at the top, and should leave some space.

I also decided to use the colour black as I wanted to maintain my colour scheme (as mentioned in my pitch) I felt that it fits best in the context that I am basing my music magazine on. For example; as I am focusing on the Indie Pop genre, it is known for its originality, bright colours that pop, but also dark colours to balance the colour scheme and the intense vibrant colours. Which is what I wish to do for my contents page, to meet the criteria.

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