Tuesday 16 February 2016



When creating the "FEATURES" aspect of my contents page, at first it had no background but I then decided to display a light grey background in order for the texts to stand out, which it did. The page numbers are at the size 24 and I decided on this size as I wanted it to stand out and be bigger than the text next to it. 


Saturday 13 February 2016


I have included another picture of the artist on the contents page and included the page number of where the interview is (which is the double page spread) so the readers know what the magazine is going to include. Furthermore, I included a text at the bottom of the picture to simply summarise of what the interview is going to be about, giving them a closer insight of it. 

Friday 5 February 2016


The reason why I have included these 3 main cities on my contents page is because it is the main headquarters for my music magazine, in which they distribute the magazine and promote it through a number of ways. I added this right under the "CONTENTS" as when readers first open the page of the contents they will read the title and then immediately see the main cities underneath it and may wonder why they are included, to which they may even research about why it is there, and have an insight on the music magazine company as a whole.

Tuesday 2 February 2016


Most popular magazines, whether they are a sports magazine, fashion, music etc. they tend to have an official website for their magazine which gives readers a more broader access to an insight of their magazine and what may consist in them. 
Some may even have Facebook Pages, Twitter accounts and Instagram accounts in bid to attract readers that are more likely to be on social media and is also an easier access of the magazine. It is also a way that magazine producers promote their company and what they do, in order to gain popularity and captivate the audiences attention. 
Which is why I have also decided to add a website and a Twitter account for my magazine as I wanted to follow the conventions of a contents page, so it can meet its professional criteria and to attract my target audience as they are all young teens/adults who tend to be on social media very often.